Recently I read very interesting article about “Middle Eastern countries polishing their images”. The article talks about how Middle Eastern countries, like Egypt and Israel, for last couple year are trying to rebuild its global image. They spend big amount of money and higher specialists just to change their “hotbed of religious extremism, war, terror and political repression, the region naturally seems to be fertile soil for rabid image wizards” reputation. I found it very interesting, especially, after our conversation in class about national branding, while experiencing the present situation in Egypt.
Eytan Gilboa in his article “Searching for a Theory of Public Diplomacy” as one of the contributions to public diplomacy mentions branding. Nation branding is an action which creates the way how the country wants to be seen by the people nationally or globally. As “Middle Eastern countries polishing their images” article mentions Egypt was trying its hardest to change its nation appearance to more democratic country. However, today’s situation in Egypt is showing us how easy it is to create, sustain or change impressions about country. As of now it is obvious that Egyptian government is not fallowing democratic values. Well it brings up the question, why would they put so much effort to be seen as a democracy, and were building their countries new branding? All brings to public diplomacy and its influence on international relations. However present situation in Egypt shows how badly Egyptian government uses its public diplomacy tools in crisis situation. Therefore, Egyptian government by not very well considered “monologue” confirms a negative reputation about of the country.
Nevertheless, the Egypt’s example also presents how nation branding is important in today’s public diplomacy and such a big impact it has on countries international relations.